This is the first pregnancy photo of me with Baby Girl #2. I am 27 weeks and just transitioning into the 3rd trimester. I have been slightly more uncomfortabe recently, but nothing out of the ordinary. We are really looking forward to getting the guest bedroom set up for Gracie's "big girl" room, and then I will be able to organize Baby Girl's room for her. This switching of rooms is going to really make me realize that I have another kid coming shortly!
In other news, this little guy has been a life saver! Grace started potty training last week (we had a rough start), but has really gotten into it in the last few days. She's already going by herself, without any help! I am thanking this frog potty from Meijer $12.99 that she picked out herself. (She also really liked it because one of her best buddies also has this potty!) Needless to say, I never knew how proud I would be over my almost 3 year old independently using the potty chair. Our next adventure in going potty is going to be using the toilet when we're not at home, and staying dry through the night!
My life outside of motherhood (yes, I know this isn't really possible once you have children...but this section is just for me!) has really calmed down since summer started. I finished my spring grad class (4.0 baby, yeah!), and I start my summer sememster class on Monday (boo!). Mike and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary on the 28th, and we are looking forward to using some free movie passes, going out to dinner (without a toddler), and maybe doing a little shopping...yes we have a nice little Thursday planned :). I have also been blessed by getting to spend some quality time with some of my favorite girls, Bethanie and I went to see What to Expect When You're Expecting (it's a must see! HIlarious!) and tomorrow Erin, Bethanie, and I are going out to Shot's to celebrate another great friend of ours birthday.
Last, but not least I will be spoiling myself for the first time in a while tomorrow...I have my first pregancy massage scheduled, and I can't wait!