Tuesday, September 25, 2012

40 Weeks...and Counting?!?

Our due date was last Friday, September 21st, and that has come and past. Tomorrow will be 5 days out, and this has been the longest feeling/shortest period of time I have ever experienced. I haven't been too uncomfortable, so if it wasn't for my maternity leave starting, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But...like many of my friends, I am a full-time working mother, and I would like to use my leave with my daughter in my arms. Not sitting around waiting for her!
That's me at 39 weeks, Gracie is peeking from behind!
Labor Signs?: For about 3 weeks now! I've been dilated to 3 and effaced at 80% since 2 weeks ago. The doctor said it could be any day...they were not expecting me to go past my due date. Perhaps up to it, but not after.
I've also had lots of lower back pain, contractions, and an overall sick feeling that seems to suggest that labor is on its way.
Here's me at 40 weeks. I am praying that I don't have a 41 week shot, but only two more days, and I could.
So What Have You Tried?:
Foods: eggplant for lunch and dinner on Saturday, and it's taken me four days, but I ate an entire pineapple by myself.
Movement: walking, duh I walk all of the time. Not to mention I worked up until my due date, and I was constantly walking, standing, and squatting. We walked around Meijer yesterday, and Menards today...I've been walking, trust me. 
Joy Riding: yup several different joy rides down some old dirt roads by my parent's house. We were convinced that I was going to go into labor Sunday night.
Pressure Points: the fleshy part between your thumb and forefinger, and four inches above the heal. Done and done.
Tomorrow I am going to ask the doctor to strip my membranes. I have heard that it helps to speed up the process. What I have come to realize is that my little Faith is giving our family a good lesson in patience and faith. I have been praying to God every night for a safe delivery of a happy and healthy baby. If that means she needs more time before she comes out into the world, then so be it! My doctor informed me that they do eventually come out, so she can't be in there forever!